CEO Message - Chris Song, Ph.D.

Contrast with the closed innovation model open innovation is a paradigm shift in which companies must become much better at combining internal and external resources and acting on those opportunities1. We connect companies, academic institutions, the public sector, nonprofit organizations, and customers with our global networks. Small companies as well as large can use our innovation ecosystems to tackle their challenges and solve the problems that may be blocking their success. Currently we focus on lithium-ion battery separators, ceramic coated separators, and next generation lithium-ion batteris. We would like to be a primary leader in the next generation battery industry in the 4th industrial revolution.
One of the most common questions we get is: how can we protect our intellectual properties if we're working in an open innovation environment?
While this is a very important issue, our business-focused IP lawyers put business issues first not the legal issues. Our business partnerships center strongly on building relatioships and good communications. We believe trust is the most essential component of open innovation relationships. Our goal is to deliver win-win relationships consistently with our customers. 
1. H. W. Chesbrough, Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2003).
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