Our Services: Reliable and Customized

Xerabrid offers professional and reliable services, custom-tailored to meet your specific needs. We offer in-depth consultations to understand your goals and current situation, as well as to craft a long-term solution that is right for you.

We provide the following services:

  • Manufacturing consultation on lithium-ion battery separator (LIBS)
  • Equiment design of wet and dry processes of LIBS
  • In-depth technology on ceramic coated separators

 Xerabrid product shows excellent battery safety and performance characteristics verified by certified testing laboratories. 


제라브리드 제품을 사용한 리튬이차전지의 우수한 전지 성능과 안전성은 공인인증기관에서 검증되었습니다.


We would be happy to provide you with more details about our company and what we can do for you. Contact us at info@xerabrid.com.

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